Jul 12, 2020
This week's Shonen Jump Manga is Beast Children, the tale of Sakura Shishigaya, a high school freshman with dreams of playing rugby after being inspired by professional player Onotora Ikki. Sakura is determined to play, despite his small size, and we follow his growth as both a player and as a person. He’s committed to being a great rugby player and taking on his rival, Yukito Ikki, son of Onotora.
Show Notes:
Despite having never played the sport, short-statured Sakura Shishigaya is dedicated to rugby in every way. After watching the late professional Onotora "The Beast" Itsuki play on the field, Sakura has been inspired to take up the game. However, as the sole member of his middle school's rugby team, he is unable to practice nor experience the sport with other players.
Yet when he encounters Onotora's son Yukito, Sakura seizes the chance to overcome his predicament. Though initially dismissive of Sakura's ability, a quick sparring match manages to impress Yukito. In return, Yukito reveals that he will be attending Hyakkengawa, enticing Sakura to follow suit in hopes of joining the same team. But, when Sakura enrolls into the high school, Yukito is nowhere to be found.
Nevertheless, Sakura believes that Yukito led him to the school for a reason. At Hyakkengawa, the rugby team has been mentored by the one and only Onotora, and, in Sakura, they have met the newest member of their family.