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Shonen Flop

Apr 28, 2023

Denji would go through hell just for some ass.


What time is it? It’s the Chainsaw Minute! Every Friday David and Jordan give their thoughts on the latest chapter of the manga that needs no introduction, Chainsaw Man. Find out what’s the devil of the week and why this chapter is a 10/10. 


Looking for a regular...

Apr 24, 2023

You’re telling me a demon made this plan? 


David and Jordan give their first thoughts on the discuss Shonen Jump manga Demon’s Plan. Listen in as they give an overview of the first chapter, where they think it will go from there, and ultimately their “power word” to describe the series so far. They also dive...

Apr 21, 2023

Save the cat? No save the Asa.


What time is it? It’s the Chainsaw Minute! Every Friday David and Jordan give their thoughts on the latest chapter of the manga that needs no introduction, Chainsaw Man. Find out what’s the devil of the week and why this chapter is a 10/10. 


Looking for a regular Shonen Flop...

Apr 17, 2023

Manga by Nagatomo, Kenji (Art), Joh, Araki (Story)


Wine sparkles, the manga does not.


We and our guest Localization Producer Oni Dino discuss Grand Jump manga Champagne.


 Show Notes:

• You can reach us at Twitter @shonenflopcast or email us


• You can find our guest at @oni_dino



Apr 14, 2023

Manga by Tatsuki Fujimoto

Denji’s hungry for French corndogs while fighting the Falling Devil and who can blame him?

What time is it? It’s the Chainsaw Minute! Every Friday David and Jordan give their thoughts on the latest chapter of the manga that needs no introduction, Chainsaw Man. Find out what’s the devil of...